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Why did you choose to go to the United States?
The biggest reason is to experience the College culture! Which includes American College Football. 

What are the biggest differences between studying in Sweden and in the USA?
You live in an apartment building on campus - and live in a corridor and share a room with another. Which is because you meet new people from different countries every day. 
There are only (!) Multiple choices on the exams. For example: 50 questions, and all questions have 4 answer options, and one should circle the correct answer. No writing there not! Otherwise, lectures are very similar to SUs
3. Everyone wears school merchandise lol. They are very proud there! University means a lot. Which I love! This is reflected in both teachers and sporting events. Everyone is passionate about school.

What courses did you read?
- Leadership in Business organizations
- Organizational behavior
- Human Development
& method 2 at a distance from SU. 
All courses are read at the same time and the final exam is at the end of the semester. 

What has been the biggest challenge with the exchange semester?
Keeping the money is the answer to it. Wanted to travel when one was so close to everything! Yolo etc.

What has been the best and worst?
The best thing is all the adventures! With all newfound friends. Internationals as Americans! Yes, all of us exchange students become like one big family! There is no "worst". It may sound cliché, but it's just that!

Did you choose between different exchange options? Isf which?
New Zealand and Tasmania were also on the list. But we had Western Michigan as No. 1 when they received two pieces and thus made it possible for me and my classmate Jill to go together. 



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