Role descriptions for the board

The board consists of eight elected representatives who are elected at the Annual Meeting in March and the Interim Meeting in October. The positions available are chairman, vice chairman, finance manager, project manager and committee chairman for our four committees. As a member, you can choose to sit for six months or a full year in your post. The most important thing about being non-profit is that it should be fun. The board meets all successes and setbacks as a team and develops together.

As chairman, you are the spider in the web for the board and the association's members. You are the ultimate and overall responsible for the association's activities. Your task is to support and help the board members in their various roles. You will have a lot of balls in the air, so it is good if you are structured and driven. Furthermore, the role involves a lot of contact surfaces with members, companies and external contacts. It is above all important that you have an open and friendly approach to everyone, like people and want to spread warmth and joy in the association.

Your information is as follows:

  • Responsible for scheduling board meetings every month
  • Write the minutes in order with the vice chairman
  • Be chairman of board meetings
  • Regularly answer questions that come in via the board's joint email
  • Responsible for contact with Stockholm University Student Union (Kåren) and Personnel Science Students' National Association (P-riks)
  • Together with the rest of the board, support and jointly take care of the board's various


Important characteristics of the role:

  • Driven
  • Communicative
  • Equitable
  • Structured

If you have any questions or concerns about the role as chairman of SthlmUP, you are very welcome to contact us
Hannes Varg på mail.

Hannes Varg
Chairman of the Board

As vice chairman, you, together with the chairman, are the spider in the web for the board and the association's members. Together with the chairman, you are responsible for ensuring that the association continues and that there is constant communication between all stages of the association's activities. The role can therefore be described as flexible as the tasks can be changed and adapted a lot as needed. Thus, the key to successful and efficient work is continuous communication with the chairman. You have the opportunity to influence your tasks and will have a variety of areas of responsibility, which gives a great potential for learning in all forms of association work.

Your information is as follows:

  • Maintain continuous contact with the chairman about the board's work, and distribute matters that arise
  • Relieve others on the board of their projects / tasks
  • Prepare meeting minutes and be a meeting secretary during board meetings
  • Together with the board, plan and implement kickoffs for the board and committed members
  • Support the project manager in their planning and implementation of the kick-in and the degree session
  • Together with the chairman, have employee discussions with board members if necessary
  • Responsible for member registration
  • Together with the chairman, reply to incoming emails to the board emails
  • Order board shirts

Important characteristics of the role:

  • Structured
  • Positive
  • Ambitious
  • Flexible
  • Productive

If you have any questions or concerns about the role as vice chairman of SthlmUP, you are very welcome to contact us

Erik Bjärterot på mail.

Erik Bjärterot
Vice Chairman of the Board

As project manager, your main task is to help and relieve the Chairman and other board members in their work. The role also includes leading the projects for which the board is responsible. You are also responsible for supporting the committees but at the same time not being tied to any committee but you have free rein to get involved in what interests you. Your main tasks are to facilitate and help coordinate and organize future projects on the board, this role means that you will have an overview of the association's work.

Your information is as follows:

  • Responsible for planning meetings
  • Be an adjuster during a board meeting, and create a checklist
  • Upload protocols and documents on the website
  • Responsible for projects that the board is in charge of, such as the kick-off, the degree session, and support and lead project groups, sponsors and other committed members in their work
  • Relieve the chairman, vice chairman and committee chairman as much as you can
  • Administer Folkuniversitetet's study circles

Important characteristics of the role:

  • Like to have a lot of balls in the air
  • Be able to see what is needed / where backing is necessary
  • Curious
  • Helpful
  • Structured
  • Work under time pressure
  • Lead project groups and hold the meetings that come with the responsibility

If you have any questions or concerns about the role as project manager in SthlmUP, you are very welcome to contact us

Maria Thorsell på mail

Maria Thorsell

As finance manager, you are responsible for the association's money, a broad work with everything from budget responsibility to keeping track of payments sent out and received. The fun thing about the role as finance manager is that you get great insight and participation in everything that happens in the association and there is therefore also the opportunity and space to choose how you want to be involved in other projects that the association arranges!

The role also provides deeper knowledge in economics that may become valuable later in working life. No previous experience of financial work is required, but you will be taught and taught in the meantime. As finance manager, you are part of the board of SthlmUP and can help influence major general decisions down to the level of detail.

Your information is as follows:

  • Maintain continuous contact with the chairman about the board's work, and distribute matters
  • Make payments to membersCreate and send invoices
  • Make sure we receive payments from companies
  • Post income and expenses on an ongoing basis
  • Set a budget for the coming years and make sure it is followed
  • Write an annual report and administration report

Important characteristics of the role:

  • Structured
  • Meticulous
  • Flexible

If you have any questions or concerns about the role of finance manager in SthlmUP, you are very welcome to contact us

Ida Johansson på mail

Ida Johansson
Finance manager

As chairman of the entertainment committee, you are responsible for writing a business plan for the committee and then coordinating the events that you choose to include. You either organize events alone, or you add project groups for specific events for which you are responsible and follow up. The events can include parties, sittings and trips, but of course the imagination sets the limits and you have the opportunity to design your own role. As chairman, you thus have the opportunity to make your own mark on the committee and its activities. The role means that you have the overall responsibility for the committee and as chairman of the entertainment committee, you get a unique chance during the study period to engage other members in fun activities as well as create contacts with students from different semesters.

Your information is as follows:

  • Plan and coordinate events for the association's members
  • Add and follow up project groups
  • Participate in board meetings with SthlmUP every four weeks
  • Organize committee meetings every six weeksCompile agenda and planning for committee meetings Keep track of the entertainment committee's email, Trello and Facebook

Important characteristics of the role:

  • Flexible
  • Creative
  • Taking responsibility - when you have the overall responsibility for the committee
  • Enterprising - tasks can vary and appear unexpectedly

Vid frågor eller funderingar om rollen som ordförande för nöjesutskottet i SthlmUP får du jättegärna kontakta Ella Fogelström på mail

Ella Fogelström
Chairman of the Entertainment Committee

As chairman of the business committee, you are ultimately responsible for the contact with external parties in the business community and the projects that are run in the business committee. The chairman of the business committee is a broad role with a lot of responsibility where there is always a lot going on. The role provides a fantastic opportunity to try out project management as well as a more overall, strategic role.

Your information is as follows:

  • Responsible for the companies that the association collaborates with and our collaboration agreements.
  • Ensure that the communication works smoothly with each partner and to ensure that both parties are satisfied with the collaboration. Here you and a collaboration coordinator are helped, who is a committed student in the committee who has the main responsibility for the collaboration.
  • Ultimately responsible for the human resources day and the mentorship project. This includes appointing a project group that holds the project and supporting the group in their work during the year.
  • Responsible for publishing advertisements on the website and for maintaining contact with the companies that want to advertise. Ultimately responsible for the business committee's email and that all incoming emails are processed.

Important characteristics of the role:

  • Driven
  • Prestigeless
  • Structured
  • Strategic Inclusive and supportive

Vid frågor eller funderingar om rollen som ordförande för näringslivsutskottet i SthlmUP får du jättegärna kontakta Sofia Renman på mail.

Sofia Renman

Chairman of the Business Committee

The Education Committee focuses on issues concerning the education and development of SthlmUP's members, both within and outside the framework of the program, in order to supplement PAO education. We want to increase the competitiveness of our members by sharpening our knowledge further by, among other things, arranging certifications, study cabins, lectures and workshops.

As chairman of the education committee, you are also chairman of the student council, which includes tasks in addition to the role of chairman of the education committee. You are responsible for the contact with the PAO program's management team and have a more development-oriented role when it comes to what the program offers. In addition to this, the role of chairperson includes a responsibility for the program's equal treatment issues, so it is good that you understand what equal treatment issues are and are interested in these.

Your information is as follows:

  • Apply for a semester grant from the Student Union
  • Appoint two class representatives from each semester and introduce them to their task
  • Participate in management group meetings and board meetings with SthlmUP
  • Organize committee meetings every six weeks
  • Compile agenda and planning for committee meetings
  • Arrange certification courses and project group for the courses each semester
  • Apply for grants from the departments for conference / kickoffResponsibility for the education committee's joint email

Important characteristics of the role:

  • Inclusive
  • Development-oriented
  • See opportunities in change and development
  • Considerate
  • Self-propelled
  • Structured

Vid frågor eller funderingar om rollen som ordförande för utbildningsutskottet i SthlmUP får du jättegärna kontakta Rebecca Franck på mail.


Rebecca Franck

Chairman of the Education Committee

As chairman of the PR and marketing committee, you are primarily responsible for marketing the association for both internal and external reasons. Areas of responsibility include updating members on upcoming events, updating all social channels, managing the association's website and supporting the other committee's marketing manager.

It is also the chairman's responsibility to hold a committee meeting together with any vice chairman, and to be responsible for the association's camera and that photos are taken at events. The PR and Marketing Committee calls for its own initiative to develop the committee and follow the association's guidelines.

Your information is as follows:

  • Update all the association's social channels
  • Actively accept membership requests on all Facebook groups
  • Ultimately responsible for the association's camera and charger
  • Ultimate responsibility to photograph or find a photographer for all events
  • Publish all pictures on the association's website and other social channels if appropriate
  • Responsibility that all information from the association is reached out to members via social channels
  • Actively think of new opportunities to market the association
  • Organize a committee meeting every six weeks
  • Compile agenda and planning for committee meetings
  • Participate in board meetings with SthlmUP every four weeks
  • If necessary, help all marketing managers in different project groups

Important characteristics of the role:

  • Initiative
  • Structured
  • An eye for development

Vid frågor eller funderingar om rollen som ordförande för näringslivsutskottet i SthlmUP får du jättegärna kontakta Della Mandahl på mail.


Della Mandahl

Chairman of the PR and Marketing Committee

Role description of the Nomination Committee

Valberedningens uppgift är att rekrytera och lägga fram förslag på nya styrelsemedlemmar, valberedare och revisorer inför halvårs- och årsmöte. Du arbetar gemensamt och nära med resten av valberedningen för att finna personer som kan föra SthlmUP och det ideella arbetet framåt. I rollen finns goda möjligheter till att utveckla valberedningens arbetssätt och tillsammans hitta nya vägar att gå. Att vara med i valberedningen är mycket givande och utvecklande.

Your information is as follows:

  • Receive role descriptions from the board / auditors

  • Facilitate the application process by e.g. create an application form

  • Make a plan for the work process

  • Book and hold interviews with applicants and nominees

  • Jointly decide and write motivations

  • Convene meetings and prepare meeting minutes

Viktiga egenskaper för rollen:

  • Good ability to work together
  • Integrity
  • Curiosity

The work of the Nomination Committee can be compared to recruitment and can therefore be a rewarding experience
for future working life. You also get the opportunity to get to know the association and its
members, see how a non-profit association works in practice and be part of the association
continued development. There is no requirement to have previously had a role in SthlmUP or experience
from previous association life. Have you participated in any or some of SthlmUP's previous events
have you gained some insight and understanding of the association's activities and can therefore participate
and contribute to the continued development of the association.

Vid frågor eller funderingar om rollen som valberedningsledamot i SthlmUP får du jättegärna kontakta Vera Staaf på


Vera Staaf


Role description auditors

The internal auditor reviews the activities performed by the board and ensures that the board complies with the documents and statutes voted through at the annual meeting. The internal auditor is also the board's sounding board and must, with experience and knowledge from previous association involvement, be able to support various issues concerning operations. To do this, the internal auditor has close insight into the board's work by quite the agendas and minutes that are written. The internal auditor works closely with the external auditor in the compilation of the auditor's report, which is presented at the annual meeting. It is an advantage if the internal auditor has been a member of the association but no longer needs to be an active member or study. Having been involved in an association before taking on this assignment is important in order to be able to do a good job in the role. Otherwise, no specific properties are needed. As an internal auditor, you are given the opportunity to work closely with a board without being a driving force. You get the opportunity to learn more about charter work and the frameworks that exist in the association.

Your information is as follows:

  •  Read agendas and minutes before and after board meetings and annual meetings.
  •  Support the board in various matters
  •  Compile an audit report that is presented during the annual meeting

As an internal auditor, you should sit in his position during his year in order to be able to make a fair audit report of the financial year prior to the annual meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns about the role as internal auditor in SthlmUP, please feel free to contact us

Lisa Sindsjö on Facebook.


Lisa Sindsjö

Internal auditor

As an external auditor, the main responsibility is to review and advise the board in the assignment they have been mandated by the annual meeting to perform. The external auditor works closely with the internal auditor, and reviews everything from compliance with annual meeting decisions, to examining the decisions made by the board and ensuring that the association's governing documents are followed. The external auditor has main responsibility for the financial parts of the business, while the internal auditor has the main responsibility for factual issues.

Your information is as follows:

  • Review the Board's financial statements
  • Make sure that any inventory and cash register are inventoried regularlyGive the board advice if needed
  • Examine that the association's statute and governing documents are complied with
  • Write an audit report together with the internal auditor

An external auditor should preferably not have previously been elected to a position of trust in SthlmUP. Therefore, it is important that you have experience from board work in another association, preferably in a leader position as president or finance manager.


Hugo Thorén

External auditor 
